Omega 3’s

In early 2012  Omega 3 began to be pushed as an essential supplement for ocular health. Low levels of Omega 3 intake were linked to complaints of 'dry eye', A 'dry eye' reduces contact lens comfort, and as the contact lens industry is always on the lookout for new ways of reducing 'dry eyes' and hence increasing their sales of contact lenses, fitters of contact lenses were advised to recommend patients to take Omega 3 supplements. Obviously supplements are not such a quick fix as revitalising eye- drops but it all helps.

Research has shown that Omega 3  is not just needed for ocular comfort but low levels can also cause cardiovascular disease, macular disease, dementia, aching joints, low moods and a whole lot of other problems. (However see also  Potential Omega 3 side effects). There are three types of Omega-3: ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). ALA can be converted in the body to EPA and DHA which are more readily used by the body.

It is recommended to include coldwater oily fish (eg tuna,tuna herring, salmon or sardines) in the diet – at least 3 meals a week.
 If this is not possible then omega 3 or cod liver oil supplements maybe useful or     
alternatively omega 3 can be obtained from walnuts, green leafy vegetables or flaxseed (or flaxseed oil capsules).walnuts
The Omega 3 in plants does differ to that from sea-animals but it all helps, just be careful not to over dose.

 Omega 3's should not be confused with Omega-6 or Omega 9. All are essential fatty acids which the body needs, but the typical Western diet contains far too much Omega-6 and not enough Omega-3.Click here to read what Dr. Liz Miller has to say about Omega 3's, Her free guide really is worth reading especially pages 10,11 and 12.





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